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Ross Craib
Nov 5, 20194 min read
Musical Director Series - Pete Daynes
An MD’s primary role is to understand the artist’s musical vision and direction, and translate that into a live music environment.
Ross Craib
Sep 4, 20194 min read
Rehearsal Tips
Your dream gig isn't just going to happen overnight! It takes time, effort and hard work to hone your skills to a level that will warrant...
Ross Craib
Aug 22, 20194 min read
Are you on the road to Burnout?
Burnout can occur in any industry, but in ours it is sadly very common. As per anxiety and depression, burnout too is a mental health disord
Ross Craib
Aug 11, 20194 min read
Do you know your chain of command in a gig environment?
Ever been at a gig and seen a load of people wondering around and not really know what they do? They are probably a lot more important than
Ross Craib
Aug 8, 20195 min read
What do Musical Directors look for when selecting musicians for their artists? (Part 1)
Are you struggling to find an artist to play for or unsure the steps you should take to make yourself more employable?
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